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Displaying 281 - 290 of 1613 results for this query.

Championing Customer Experience with the Right People and Culture

Most companies are working in the mobile space but not all of them are focusing on customer experience. The Home Depot has taken it to the next level, consciously constructing an experience that meets customers’ explicit and implicit needs. In fact, in November 2017, The Home Depot’s mobile experience received Forrester’s top overall score for functionality and usability.

5 Lawn Care Lessons to Help Make Your Yard a Pet-Friendly Paradise

You really like having a healthy lawn in the spring. But dogs and cats? They go absolutely wild for a roll in some fresh grass. They love to weave in and out of gardens, run through the sprinkler and sink their claws into some freshly laid mulch. And what pet parent wouldn’t want to help them get the most out of the season? We asked Home Depot’s pet parents for advice—and for some cute photos of…

Help to Rebuild After Hurricane Harvey

When historic flooding destroyed the first floor of Home Depot associate Tom Svopa’s home in 2016, he somehow managed to rebuild. When Hurricane Harvey showed up a little over a year later and destroyed that same home, it felt like déjà vu.  Tom is one of 1,400 associates in the Houston area helped by The Homer Fund after Hurricane Harvey. The Homer Fund provided him and his wife…

The Orange Army Invests in Puerto Rico’s Future

"This was where I began. Here, I had my first dreams," reflects District Manager Carlos Fines as he stands in his kindergarten classroom that was damaged by Hurricane Maria.Fines, a 21-year Home Depot associate, joins a 140-strong Team Depot army, ready to rebuild the elementary school he attended as a child.The local elementary school is one of nine adopted by Team Depot, which began…

Professional Tips to Help Level Up Your Lawn Care This Spring

Keeping up with lawn care can quickly become a full-time job. For David Mellor and Charles Aubry, it actually is. As the Senior Director of Grounds at Fenway Park and the Golf Course Superintendent at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta respectively, they keep grass in near perfect condition for athletes who depend on it – they’re also responsible for those mesmerizing giant checkerboard patterns.

A Pinteresting Partnership

The Home Depot Expands Pinterest’s Shop the Look with more than 100,000 Décor Products Ever seen a pin on Pinterest and thought, “I want that exact bronze sconce” or “that duvet is the exact shade of blue I’ve been trying to track down”? Pinterest, the visual search engine, is now ubiquitous with finding inspiration to take on projects of all shapes and sizes – from a simple décor refresh to a…

After Irma: Associates Rebuild Their Homes and Lives

Like so many others in the Florida Keys, when Trish Haddox evacuated the islands ahead of Hurricane Irma, she left important pieces of her life behind. For Trish, her prized possession was her houseboat – an antique vessel that she poured her free time and money into over the last three years to make it her dream home. When she returned after the storm, the houseboat was destroyed with only…

6 Easy Ways to Refresh Sunny Spaces for Spring

Most of us are ready for spring to arrive, but can you say the same of your favorite outdoor areas? Backyard barbecues and gatherings could crop up on any sunny weekend now. So whether you’re organizing an outdoor celebration or simply spending more time in the fresh air, follow these steps to make sure your yard, porch or patio are ready to pop.

5 Strange Things from The Home Depot Archives

In a secure, climate-controlled facility in metro Atlanta lives an 865-foot collection of papers and memorabilia known as The Home Depot Archives. From the early days of The Home Depot Television Network to Y2K – and many retro quirks in between – the archives are full of nostalgic treasures and some pretty strange things. Here are five favorites from the archives: 

Depot Dogs Come in Hot

When was the last time you visited your local Home Depot in search of a hot dog?No, not a visit to upgrade your grill or pick up a fresh bag of charcoal to cook a hot dog, but to purchase the dog itself. Not often? Little did you know, you’re missing out on the #1 ranked Least Fancy Hot Dog, according to Food & Wine.