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Veteran Housing Grants

The Foundation's Veteran Housing Grants Program awards grants to nonprofit organizations for the new construction or rehabilitation of permanent supportive housing for veterans. Awards typically range from $100,000 to $500,000.


What organizations qualify for this program?
Which populations do eligible projects serve?
What are the eligibility requirements for the program?
Does a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), count as “evidence of a third-party binding agreement that ensures the units are reserved for veterans”?
How do I submit a project proposal?
When will I know if my project is approved?
What is a third-party review, and who will be conducting it?
Whom should I contact if I have questions or concerns?
How do I access a saved application?
What if I am an individual veteran needing assistance?


What organizations qualify for this program?

  • 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that have maintained good standing with the Internal Revenue Service for at least five years
  • Organizations with a current operating budget of at least $300,000 and audited financial statements from the past three years
  • Organizations with previous experience developing veteran housing and that currently manage or own veteran-specific housing
  • Organizations with a 15+ year ownership stake in the development
  • Organizations involved in the Continuum of Care or a local collaboration to end homelessness in their community


Which populations do eligible projects serve?

We award grants throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Rural areas will be considered, but priority will be given to “large cities” defined as populations over 300,000 people.
Specifically, there is a focus on projects in the following cities:

  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Seattle, WA
  • New York, NY
  • Houston, TX
  • Detroit, MI        
  • San Diego, CA
  • Denver, CO
  • Chicago, IL
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Tampa, FL


What are the eligibility requirements for the program?

  • THDF supports new construction or rehabilitation of multifamily, permanent supportive housing for veterans
  • Only physical construction of housing for veterans (hard costs) is covered. THDF does not provide funding for furnishings, rental subsidies, tenant services, etc.
  • THDF’s grant funding must be comprised of less than 50% of the total development cost of the project/program
  • The target population of honorably discharged veterans must be at or below 80% AMI
  • 75% of the development/program’s funding sources must be identified at the time of proposal submission
  • Project must commence within 12 months of proposal submission
  • At least 20% of the housing units must be reserved for veterans
  • Proposals must provide evidence of a third-party binding agreement that ensures the units are occupied by veterans for a minimum of 15 years. I.e. project-based HUDVASH, other funder requirement, deed restriction, zoning requirement, etc.
  • Supportive services must be provided


Does a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), count as “evidence of a third-party binding agreement that ensures the units are reserved for veterans”?

No, this document is not legally binding and therefore will not be accepted.


How do I submit a project proposal?

  • Please read through these instructions as our grant platform has changed.
  • To access the new grant platform CLICK HERE
  • If you have previously applied for a grant, select “Forgot Password” on the homepage and enter the email address associated with previously submitted grant.
  • If you are a new applicant OR you do not receive an email after using “Forgot Password”, select the “Register” button.
  • Once you are logged in, you will see a section titled “New Applications” and a button “Start a New Application”
       - Please ensure you select the application for the Veteran Housing Grant in the cycle that you would like to be considered for.


When will I know if my project is approved?

  1. A THDF staff member will contact you no later than 45 days after the grant proposal due date listed below.
  2. If approved to proceed to the next step, a THDF staff member will provide the link to the full application.
  3. If your organization passes a third-party review, THDF Board of Directors will complete a final review.
  4. Proposals are accepted year-round, but final determinations are made three times a year. If a proposal is submitted after the deadlines, it will be queued for the next funding cycle.


2024 Funding Cycle Calendar
Cycle Grant Proposal Due Final Determinations
1 12/15/2023 April 2024
2 3/22/2024 August 2024

*NOTE: There will only be two cycles for 2024. Normal three cycle review cadence will resume for 2025.


What is a third-party review, and who will be conducting it?

A third-party review is a financial analysis and evaluation of business practices and proposed project, conducted in order to identify potential issues for further consideration by our foundation. Applicants may be required to participate in interviews with a third-party vendor. THDF is currently contracted with several providers to conduct these reviews.


Whom should I contact if I have questions or concerns?

Please contact


How do I access a saved application?

  • CLICK HERE to log into the grant portal and access a saved application.
  • Once on the home page, you will find your saved application under the “Existing Applications” header in the “Actions Required” folder.
  • You will find a status of your application by checking the “Submitted” folder or “Approved/Declined” folder.


What if I am an individual veteran seeking assistance?

  • Organizations or individuals with projects focused on single home construction or repair would not qualify for this program. Single repair requests should view our partnerships to find partners who are already funded to assist qualifying veterans.